Thursday, May 17, 2007

Wageningen Day 1 Allison

Getting here has been crazy and exciting, but I am glad that part is over.

Reflective questions:

What did you experience during your travel that you found especially interesting? Why was it interesting?
I thought it was especially interesting that everyone is more than willing to help you. We had half a train trying to help us as well as people coming up to help us on the street. Fortunately, we have been really really lucky on this trip so far.

What did you experience during your travel that you found especially negative? Why was it negative?
I thought it was negative that everything was in Dutch as soon as we hit the ground. It makes it very hard to know where you are going or even what you are ordering for dinner. Hopefully we will make friends that can help us learn what common things mean.

What are your initial impressions of the country you are visiting, the town you are living in, your accommodations, the people you are interacting with, or any other initial impressions that you would like to share?
My initial impression of Holland is that everyone is very laid back, no one moves to fast or seems worried about anything. They even close the whole town down for holidays and weekends so that everyone can go home and relax. This town is very quaint, but I feel right at home because Macomb isn't any bigger than this. I think that once we get a feeling for everything things will be easy to find. The people here have been great so far. People are willing to talk to you and if you look like you need help, they will come up to you and ask you.

What are you most excited about in looking forward to the next several weeks? Why are you excited about that?
I am most excited about meeting new people. I am a social person, and I know I am going to miss hanging out with people at home, so I hope to meet people here.

Is there anything knowledge that you have from your travel that you can contribute to our program's Survival Handbook for that country.
I would like to add that if you are lost, make sure you ask. People are very helpful, and most will speak English. Use the resources you have around you, and that includes people too.

Are there any other observations or reflections or concerns that you would like to share?
My only concern is that for next year, students should be sure to speak with their contact a week or two prior to departure about what to do when they arrive and where to meet.

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